Monday, December 7, 2009

Cartweaver Benefits - Part 1

I thought it was fit to tell you some of the coolest things about Cartweaver. So let's get to it -What I love about Cartweaver:

The Support Forums

Ok - it's not really a forum but a newsgroup. This can be a great bonus or a great bane depending on your work flow. Personally I am not a fan of newgroups because it is just one more program I have to open. However this is a list of the features of CW so let me tell you why it's cool - It is very well populated and supported.

It has got numerous developers well versed in ColdFusion and Cartweaver. Not only that - but it is well attended by its owners. You will need a newsreader like Outlook express -ick! or Mozilla Thunderbird - yah! But why wait visit their support newsgroups at: news:// We have dedicated forums for ASP, ColdFusion and PHP. If you are not familiar with news readers there are a variety of news readers available. Also note that you may need to use the address and skip the news:// portion.

The Developers

Feeding off of the newsgroup issue - the developers who attend really know their stuff. You can always find someone who is willing to help you for free or for pay depending on what your needs are. If your question is somewhat basic and the needed changes to accomplish what you need are small - you will generally be given either the answer, or the direction you need by at least a few people on the list.

Like myself there are other developers in the list who will give of their time (Which sadly I haven't been good at lately) or can easily accomplish what you need for a small fee.

The Price

Well it wouldn't be a complete benefits list if it didn't include the price. You can't beat a one time low dollar fee for you to download and install any number of carts on your clients' sites. With the one time fee you get all updates to your cart for free - within that release number. So if you purchased v 3.0 - you got v 3.0.13 , 3.0.14, 3.1 .019. Of course when v 4.0 comes out you know it is well worth the fee again.


"How can I put in a link the cart in my site? Can I put a search form in my site's footer?" Well YEAH! Let me just say Dreamweaver toolbar! I hear Angela had a part in the cool toolbar - and it rocks. If you use DW - you want the toolbar. It allows you to easily install Cartweaver, put in links for the cart, search frms or links, and a bit more that I will let you discover. If you use a better IDE like maybe Eclipse - well you are stuck on that end - but simply looking at the sample you will see that inserting a search form is as easy as

cfmodule id="CW3Search" searchtype="Form" template="cw3/CWTags/CWTagSearch.cfm" formid="frmKeywords" buttonlabel="Search" keywords="yes" keywordslabel="Type words">

That's it for now. Tomorrow we will look a look at Culture, Extensions, downloadables and more.

Be Blessed!

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